Old Age Medicines
Old Age Medicines
Healthcare for the elderly is getting complicated. Daily care along with healthcare needs can add to the pressure. Mobility issues make the entire picture look worse than it is.
Removing confusion and installing positivity with patience is very important.
As much as we would like to but it’s not possible to look after or help our elderly parents, dear uncles and aunts or grandparents.
We think that most of us have been in a situation where they arrange as much as they can for their elderly family members and it often catches them out.
This is why we have taken our expert Pharmacists straight into the lounge of your elderly relatives.
We know from our personal experience, how relieved our non-clinical friends are knowing their elderly relatives have a clinician always available to nip the issues in the bud.
Take Action
PersonalChemist can look after your elderly when you cannot make it. In our experience the biggest hurdle is communication.
Our regular reviews and monthly call service allows your elderly to have issues explained with patience. With their permission, any issues we find we can relay it to you or their carer as a referral note for their GP.
Not only it saves time in treatment, we think the entire process can offer a safety net and retain confidence in the elderly.
Discuss with your PersonalChemist
- Expert UK Pharmacists to help you.
- Text / Audio / Video Consultation.
- Save Time and Money
- Any Pc / Mac / Smartphone / Tablet
- Dont leave your comfort zone